The strategic ally you’ve always wanted

A bit about me and why I do what I do
Every organisation needs to be able to translate its purpose and strategy into something that is relatable, meaningful and inspiring to those working within it. But few do it well.
From my own CEO experience to the 10 years I spent in business improvement and culture change, communication was the single most influential factor that predetermined whether an organisation was going to succeed in achieving its goals - whether via increased productivity, innovation and growth, or critical change initiatives.
Throughout my career, I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been told in business that I’d make a good therapist! I seem to have a knack for understanding people and bringing out the best in them through fresh thinking and perspective. And combining these attributes with my expertise in communication allows me to make a difference in a very rewarding way.
Communication is quite literally the organising principle of any complex modern workplace, and as a leadership and management competency, is essential.
Whenever you need your employees to get behind any kind of change, improvement or project, you need to attract and then sustain their attention by giving them a reason to be meaningfully engaged and involved in helping you make it happen. Otherwise, it’s just another day at work. And of course the same goes for sustaining the level of day to day performance and collaboration you need from your people more generally.
If this strikes a chord with you, you’re not alone. And there are also a myriad of external reasons why keeping your people on board inside the organisation is becoming so business critical.
If you want to take a fresh look at what’s going on in your organisation and get to the root of the frustrations and indifference that are hindering progress, I'm here to help you.